Seniors & Nutrition
As seniors age, many times they may start to eat less and less, or even refuse to eat at certain times. This can be very frustrating for the caregiver and cause serious health-related illness.
Eating Tips:
- Add Flavor to Food: Due to deteriorating taste buds, some adults no longer enjoy the taste of food like they used to. In some circumstances, doctors recommend adding some extra sugar or salt to meals (unless limited by health concerns!). Check with your physician to see if this is a safe option.
- Nutritional Supplements: If you are concerned that a senior is not receiving a properly balanced diet, you may want to consider giving them added nutrition with General Nutritional Supplements such as Ensure, Boost, or Nestle Nutritional Drinks. These nutritional supplements come in a variety of forms (cans, puddings, nutrition bars, etc.) and flavors to fit many taste buds (chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, coffee, butterscotch, and much more).
Nutrional Health Links:
Do Dietary Supplements Provide Physical Benefits for the Elderly?
Preventing Alzheimer's through Diet Discover the Alzheimer's Prevention Diet, as well as Vitamins that provide Memory-Specific Nutrients from Alzheimer's Research & Prevention Foundation.
We recommend that you consult your doctor prior to changing an elder's dietary intake.